Not long time ago I gave an interview to Sewbox, a British webshop that sells my sewing patterns. The shop has a lot of very nice fabrics and of course many great independent sewing pattern companies. I also want to share the interview with you. And I also think you should take a look at Susans webshop.



for nyligt fik jeg en ny udenlandsk kunde. Det er den engelske web shop sewbox. Susan som er ejeren spurgte mig om jeg ville lave et interwiew til hendes blog og dette interwiew vil jeg gerne dele med jer.

Jeg synes at i skal tage et kik på hendes webshop – ud over mange fantastiske snitmønstre fra en masse skønne selvstendige snitmænstre virksomheder så har hun også nogle dejlige metervare. Både Liberty men også John Kaldor og jeg er meget vild med de prikkede

1.      Who is Nanna and what does she do? 

I am a thirty something girl who loves to dress up. I think that life is more fun when I wear colors, red lipstick and high heels. I have a passion for clothes and I am pretty geeky about it. I collect old dresses just because I love to look at how they are made and constructed. When I don’t design the “How to do fashion” sewing patterns, I teach sewing and patternmaking at a design school in Copenhagen, and I also facilitate workshops for people all over Denmark. However, my biggest dream is to, one day, focus 100 % on my sewing patterns. I am also a mother and wife, and Molly and Christian both take a great partnership in my little company. Molly is only 4 years old, but she loves to make fabric-covered buttons and she is quite good at sorting buttons and small fabric pieces. Christian does all the boring stuff; you know all the things with numbers ;)

2.     How did you start sewing and designing patterns?

I grew up with my grandparents, and my grandmother was a very skilled sewer. I was always looking over her shoulder and started sewing for my Barbie’s when I was seven. Ten years later, I became the tailor’s apprentice, so I could say I have been sewing my whole life. I really fell in love with pattern making in my mid-twenties, so I went back to school and took a bachelor’s degree in patternmaking. I have worked in the fashion industry for many years, but always dreamt of creating my own line of sewing patterns.

3.     How did you decide to create a sewing pattern line?

I have had a blog for many years, and one day, one of my readers asked if I would sell the patterns I have made, for one of my own dresses. That was where an old dream came alive.  I said no to that reader at the time, but she planted the idea and some months later, I started to develop my first pattern.

4.     What were the best and the most challenging moments for you, as an indie pattern designer, since you launched “How to do Fashion”?

One of the most difficult things as an independent pattern designer is that I put SO much of myself in my patterns. They are like my babies. In the beginning I was so afraid that others would think that my style and identity was foolish and not worth buying. I have put that behind me now. Now I think that the business part is the hardest and most challenging. Luckily, my husband is very good at that, and takes a great part in everything with numbers, taxes, shipping and business plans.

The absolute best thing is when I see one of my patterns in real life, in a picture, on a fabulous lady – that makes me so happy. In the end, that is what it is all about, creating pretty garments for yourself and to be proud of what you do.

5.    Could you tell us a bit more about your pattern line, “How To Do Fashion”? What should we expect to find?

For me the quality is the most important thing. From the pattern itself, to the paper it is printed on and the folder it is packed into. Local production is something I feel very strong about; so all elements of my patterns are made in Denmark. I have also put a great work into my sewing directions. They are very detailed, so my customers can figure out how to make a beautiful garment for themselves. I have also created an online sewing section on my website. This allows me to give my customers extra help and guidance. In this section you can find video links to how to do the difficult stuff, tips and tricks for giving that professional touch to your project, alteration guides and a lot of inspiration on how to customise your pattern. All my patterns that have a waist cut can be combined with each other so you can create your own “how to do fashion” look.

6.    What was the inspiration for your pattern line?

When I began, I just made something that would fit into my own wardrobe, so my inspiration I guess was myself to begin with. Today all my sewing patterns are inspired by vintage fashion. However, I try to give my patterns a modern take so that they would fit the modern woman. My goal is to create sewing patterns that are cute and original and embrace the female body. Last but not least, I design garments that I would wear myself.

7.     If you had to define your style in 5 words, what would those be?

Feminine, colorful, vintage, fun and glamorous


